Microbiology Laboratory Turkey

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6 Şubat 2019 Çarşamba



In adult stage, T. saginata inhabits the upper jejunum where it may survive for as long as 25 years. It causes intestinal infection, Taeniasis. It has worldwide distribution. 

These are one of the true and segmented tapeworms. Their body is divided into three regions; 
1. Scolex: the hold fast organ 
2. Neck: posterior to the scolex 
3. Stobilla: the main bulk, made up of proglottids. 
Adult worm measures 5-10 meters in length. The pyriform scolex has 4 suckers but no rostellum. The mature segments have irregularly alternate lateral genital pores. Each of the terminal segments contains only a uterus made up of a median stem with 15-30 lateral branches. 

Life Cycle 
The adult worm lives in the small intestine of man. Gravid segments pass out in the stool and become disintegrated and eggs come out to the soil. The gravid proglottid uterus contains about 100,000 eggs. The egg of T. saginata is round, about 40 microns in diameter. The 6-hooked embryo is enclosed in a radially striated embryophore. Eggs are ingested by an intermediate host, cattle. The 6hooked embryo escapes from its shell, penetrates through the intestinal wall into the blood vessels and is carried to the muscles where it develops into a larval stage, cysticercus bovis (made up of an invaginated /inverted head and spherical body). Infection to man takes place by the ingestion of raw or insufficiently cooked beef. In the small intestine of man, the head of the cysticercus gets invaginated and the body becomes segmented.

Infected persons may complain of epigastric pain, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, weight loss, hunger sensation, vomiting, etc. 

Recovery of the gravid segments or the eggs from the stool.
 Egg of Taenia Spp 

♦ Thorough cooking of meat (above 570C). 
♦ Proper disposal of human excret 


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