Microbiology Laboratory Turkey

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4 Aralık 2018 Salı



Protozoan parasites consist of a single "cell-like unit" which is morphologically and functionally complete and can perform all functions of life. They are made up of a mass of protoplasm differentiated into cytoplasm and nucleoplasm. The cytoplasm consists of an outer layer of hyaline ectoplasm and an inner voluminous granular endoplasm. The ectoplasm functions in protection, locomotion, and ingestion of food, excretion, and respiration. In the cytoplasm there are different vacuoles responsible for storage of food, digestion and excretion of waste products. The nucleus also functions in reproduction and maintaining life. 

The protozoal parasite possesses the property of being transformed from an active (trophozoite) to an inactive stage, losing its power of motility and enclosing itself within a tough wall. The protoplasmic body thus formed is known as a cyst. At this stage the parasite loses its power to grow and multiply. The cyst is the resistant stage of the parasite and is also infective to the human host.

Reproduction – the methods of reproduction or multiplication among the parasitic protozoa are of the following types: 
1. Asexual multiplication: 
(a) Simple binary fission – in this process, after division of all the structures, the individual parasite divides either longitudinally or transversely into two more or less equal parts.  
(b) Multiple fission or schizogony – in this process more than two individuals are produced, e.g. asexual reproduction in Plasmodia. 

 2. Sexual reproduction: 
(a) Conjugation – in this process, a temporary union of two individuals occurs during which time interchange of nuclear material takes place. Later on, the two individuals separate. 
(b) Syngamy – in this process, sexually differentiated cells, called gametes, unite permanently and a complete fusion of the nuclear material takes place. The resulting product is then known as a zygote.

Protozoa are divided into four types classified based on their organs of locomotion. 
These classifications are: amoebas, ciliates, flagellates, and sporozoans. 

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