Microbiology Laboratory Turkey

Mikrobiyoloji Ile Ilgili Tüm Konuların Kısa ve Öz Anlatımları. Microbiology Lab Information.

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29 Kasım 2018 Perşembe



The worm is divided into a thin whip-like anterior part measuring 3/5 of the worm and a thick fleshy posterior part of 2/5 the length. 
Male: The male measures 3-4.5 cm in length. Its posterior end is coiled and possesses a single cubicle. 
Female: The female measures 4-5 cm in length. Its posterior end is straight 

Infective stage and mode of infection 
Infection is by ingestion of eggs containing larvae with contaminated raw vegetables. 

Life Cycle: 
 Ingested eggs hatch in the small intestine and the larvae migrate to the large intestine to become adult. After mating, the female lays immature eggs, which pass with the stool to the soil and mature in 2 weeks.  

 The patient complains of dysentery (blood and mucus in stool together with tenesmus). Rectal prolapse is also possible. 

 Finding of characteristic eggs. The egg of trichuris is barrel-shaped, 50x25 microns. The shell is thick with a one mucoid plug at each pole.


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