Microbiology Laboratory Turkey

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4 Ocak 2019 Cuma

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Reddening caused by urinary tract infection of the urinary tract lining, and consequently cause irritation and pain, urinary disturbance and frequent blood is causing symptoms such as the need to urinate. If the infection spreads to your kidneys can become a serious health problem.

The urinary tract is one of the body's fluid waste products which produce and store urine. Normal urine bacteria (germ) is not.However, sometimes the bacteria enters the urinary tract outside the body and causes infection and inflammation. This is a urinary tract infection. Infection urethra (urethritis called state), kidneys (pyelonephritis name given situation) or bladder (a condition called cystitis) as appropriate. Cystitis is the most common type of urinary tract infection.

A urinary tract infection, reddening of the lining of the urinary tract, causing irritation, which may form part of the following symptoms:
- Side (abdomen), abdomen or pain in the pelvic region 
- Sub-pelvic pressure 
- the need for Frequent Urination 
- painful urination (dysuria) 
- Urine emergency exit needs 
- Incontinence (urine leakage) 
- Night of the need for frequent urination 
- Abnormal urine color 
- Blood in the urine 
- Strong or foul-smelling urine

Other Symptoms That Can Be Associated With Urinary Tract Infections Include:

- Pain in the side of the body 
- Fatigue 
- Fever 
- Shivering 
- Vomiting 
- Mental confusion

CAUSES Urinary Tract Infection?

Urinary tract infections, urinary tract and bladder that causes inflammation and entering the microorganisms (usually bacteria ) to occur.

More than 90 percent of cases cystitis, normally in the gut bacteria is from E.coli caused.

HOW Urinary Tract Diagnosed?
A urinary tract infection following tests are used to diagnose:
Urinalysis:  Red blood cells, white blood cells and examines urine for bacteria (number of white and red blood cells indicates an infection.)
Urine culture to determine the type of bacteria in the urine :  This is important to help determine the appropriate treatment.

Infection does not respond to treatment or if you have recurring infections, urinary be done in terms of the following tests to examine your way through disease or injury:

Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP):  After a special dye bladder, kidney, ureter and an array of X-ram is injected. (paint, helps you look better on X-ray).
Ultrasound:  A test that uses sound waves to create images of internal organs
Cystoscopy:  The urethra through a lens and a light source to see inside the bladder (cystoscopy) equipped with a test that uses a special tool.
CT Scan:  Body sections (such as strips) an X-ray field type (the typical X-ray is more sensitive)

Urinary Tract HOW IS IT TREATED?
Antibiotics are drugs that kill bacteria, used to treat urinary tract infections. Your doctor will choose the bacteria that cause you to enfeksiyonunları a treatment drug. Antibiotics are commonly used include:
- Nitrofurantoin (A preparation antibiotics that fight bacteria in the body) 
- sulfonamides (sulfa drugs - antibacterial are composed of sulfonic acid) 
- Amoxicillin (causes of death by disrupting the cell walls of bacteria) 
- Cephalosporins (both structural and antibiotics resembling penicillin its effects both) 
- Trimethoprim / sulfamethoxazole 
- Doxycycline (usually recommended for treatment of acne and infectious) 
- Quinolones (obtained from viable microorganisms that many antibiotic is obtained by chemical means as opposed to synthetic substances)
Adhere strictly to the instructions of your doctor while taking medication is very important. Antibiotics do not leave prematurely. If the infection is completely cured with antibiotic treatment, the risk of recurrence is high.

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